I first started putting this code together when I learned that most people can be influenced to respond the way you want them to if you simply follow a few steps the right way.
After completely dominating the wall street scene I decided to move on to the fitness industry because I realized that it wasn’t really finance that I enjoyed, it was the process of selling.
So I wanted to start selling something that I truly believed in.
In 2003 I was in a severe car accident that changed my life.
Aside from a broken hip, a fractured pelvis and multiple lung contusions, I was also unable to do just about anything for 3 months as I learned to walk again.
It was during this time that I began to really reflect on my life and decide what I really wanted to do with it.
I didn’t like Wall street but the money was great.
I enjoyed fitness but I could never make the money that I needed to be financially free.
The one thing I had always been attracted to was selling and the process of influencing others.
With all this time on my hands I began to study psychology and the work of people like Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud & BF Skinner.
It was then that I began to really understand why all the formulas that I used on Wall street worked.
As my interest expanded I began studying the work of Dr. Milton Erickson as well as the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP.
Of all the people I studied I was drawn to Erickson because of his ability to induce deep trances using nothing but simple conversation.
I thought to myself….
“What if I took Erickson’s techniques and synergistic ally combined them with my hard earned experiences in the real world?”
At first it seemed a little too difficult.
And the reason is because when I initially began to study Erickson’s work I didn’t believe it.
“This has to be bulls%$t!”
“How is this guy putting people into trances like this?”
“This is either a hoax or some kind of voodoo.”